In the Press

Solutions Review’s Data Storage to Watch is an annual listing of solution providers we believe are worth monitoring. Companies are commonly included if they demonstrate a product roadmap aligning with our meta-analysis of the marketplace. Other criteria include recent and significant funding, talent acquisition, a disruptive or innovative new technology or product, or inclusion in a major analyst publication.
The most successful data storage vendors in the market have a broad geographic scale regarding data centers and support staff, deliver software-based infrastructure as a complete set of services that have increasingly been used with both IaaS and PaaS offerings, and have services that can support a wide range of workloads. Concerning object storage and distributed file systems, organizational culture and sensitivity to security and governance mandates are the major factors enterprises consider when selecting a solution.
These data storage Vendors to Watch have met at least two of our five points of inclusion and represent to some degree the evolution of the marketplace. It’s in that spirit we turn our attention to the immediate future. Providers are listed in alphabetical order. Provider names and logos are linked so you can learn more.
Organizations around the world choose Backblaze to solve for their use cases while improving their cloud OpEx vs. Amazon S3 and others. Grow on durable by design storage, with predictability regardless of data set size or frequency of uploads and downloads. Optimize for data mobility, performance, and cost, while avoiding vendor lock-in by supplementing your stack with Backblaze B2.
OpenDrives offers a suite of enterprise-scale, software-defined storage solutions. The product is built for demanding workflows in media, healthcare, and enterprise IT industries. OpenDrives is designed to match individual organization needs on-prem and in the cloud as well. Headquartered in Los Angeles, OpenDrives was founded in 2011 by media and entertainment post-production professionals. The company’s new CEO is Izhar Sharon (former IBM).