Your Enterprise Relies on Data
We can drive your data protection and business continuity initiatives

Enterprise Backup & Recovery
Even the most robust data environments inevitably encounter issues or outages. Your goal is to plan for frequent backup operations, ensuring holistic snapshots with full data integrity preserved. The other part of the equation is ensuring rapid recovery of systems and data to maintain business continuity. Downtime means loss of productivity and revenue, so you want to reduce that window and give your users total access to all restored data.
Unfortunately, many legacy EBR solutions can be inefficient, and others can lock you into proprietary vendor solutions.
Backup tape or slower HDD solutions can mean serious delays in service restoration. Our EBR solution, incorporating our Ultra Hardware Platform and powered by Atlas software, is incredibly fast and compatible with a wide range of industry-leading EBR technologies. We design highly performant enterprise storage driven by Atlas software that achieves faster backup and restore procedures with complete data integrity. In the eventuality of an outage, what you need is the fast and flexible recovery that OpenDrives’ EBR storage solution provides.
Data Protection
Your organization and users must work securely with corporate information without the fear of data compromise. Because enterprise storage inevitably works with every file within your data ecosystem, we apply protections through a variety of different methods which safeguard data against unwarranted access. Instead of enacting security at a single layer, we address data protection at multiple layers, including within our Atlas software that drives our solutions and handles data requests, with storage-layer safeguards for data at rest, and with share-layer security supporting common protocols (S3, SMB, & NFS). All this built-in data security means you don’t have to apply additional overlay protection solutions to keep your information safe from compromise.

Key Features
Sign-On (SSO)
Support for external authentication services (Active Directory, SAML, and Oauth2) for users accessing Atlas Core.
Secure encrypted communications for transactions involving the user interface and APIs.
Built-in capabilities to manage authentication certificates issued by trusted certificate authorities.
Support for common directory solutions such as OpenLDAP and Active Directory.
Built-in data encryption
for data-at-rest files.
S3, SMB, &
NFS Encryption
Data encryption for data-at-rest files in shared S3, SMB, and NFS targets.
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